Exciting! And it's only Tuesday

Today ended with a relaxing session in the hot tub and a few great acting events. I received a very kind email from the writer of the play I performed in, RESTORATION, in NYC after he viewed the DVD of the show. Earlier this month, I was asked to perform it one more time, but due to my acting schedule, I unfortunately had to decline. I also received a call from the producer of DEVIL IN JERSEY, that the post production team is almost done with editing, but want to add one more scene with my character. Heck yes I'm available! Anything to wear the wig again. Also, I was informed that MY FRIENDS will have it's NYC premiere in late April. More details to follow about which film festival it will be featured at. Finally, I was offered a part in another movie I auditioned for the other week. Follow the link below to read about the project.

So, this is all very exciting...and it's only Tuesday! Thanks again for the love and support.
