Lenny calculates his next move
Lenny calculates his next move

Guy Wellman as Lenny

Lenny talks business with an associate
Lenny talks business with an associate
The Job is almost done
The Job is almost done

Guy Welllman as Lenny

"That's the target"
"That's the target"

John Comengo as George and Guy Wellman as Lenny

Clean up
Clean up
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Rig for filming in the car with director Matt Mamie looking in.

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Love the rig for filming in the car!!

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

More of the car rig

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

My partner in crime, John Comengo who play George

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Amazing crew to work with!

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

John Comengo as George and Guy Wellman as Lenny

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

John Comengo as George and Guy Wellman as Lenny

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Sound check with Guy Wellman as Lenny and John Comengo ( in the background) as George

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Great cast and crew! Here is John Comengo who played George and Guy Wellman as Lenny

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

Great cast and crew! Here is John Comengo who played George, Guy Wellman as Lenny, and Director Matt Mamie