Last summer, I had a two day shoot for a movie that premiered it's trailer at a cast and crew party yesterday. I've been fortunate to film feature movies, indies, shorts, web series, commercials, and print ads the past six years and play many different characters. My role in LUV DON'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE, took my acting to a new level of trust and a firm belief in those I was working with and the directors vision. After watching the trailer, I feel honored to be a part of what is going to be an honest and caring movie about love. Mikal Odom, thank you for choosing me to be in your movie. Nathaniel Ryan, thank you for teaching me more about myself as both an actor and human. Finally, thank you Alice Wills for believing in me and pushing to have me join the team. Enjoy the pictures from the party and click on the link for the trailer. Thank you again for your support in all that I do.